Oil & Gas
Resume Writing Guide

Oil Gas Resume Writing Guide How to Write
an Oil & Gas Resume

4 Key Focus Areas to create a resume worth reading

Competition is tough in the oil and gas industry. Although there is a lack of skilled trades people and a long list of job openings, that doesn't mean that hiring managers are willing to hire just anyone. They still need to ensure that the applicant has the right qualifications to get the job done right, while staying safe in the field.

Your biggest challenge in drafting your oil and gas resume is to portray that exact information to the hiring manager as quickly and clearly as you possibly can.  After all, you only have their attention for a few seconds before they move on to the next resume - so you need to make an impression fast.

The most effective way to accomplish your goal is to tailor your resume to each posting you apply for. Though it may seem like a tedious task - it is an incredibly important one. You also need to include the right keywords in order to pass applicant tracking systems, which scan resumes for keywords from the job posting.

Then you take all of your tailored information and keywords and implement it into a professional resume format.  You will be amazed at what a difference a format makes. Yes, it is a little bit like judging a book by its cover, but hiring managers see the format of the resume before they read the content.  Therefore, the format is often just as important as the content itself.

However, be wary with your creativity. The key takeaway is that the format should be professional. You don't want to include multiple colours, graphics or images that will take away from what you're actually trying to communicate to the hiring manager.

Finally, after you've completed your resume - you must embark on the dreaded task of formulating a concise cover letter for each company you apply for.  Again, another tedious task, but important nevertheless.  Length is a major concern in cover letters as most job seekers ramble on for far too long.

Once you've nailed down this foundation of the right format, keywords and a supporting cover letter - then you can use the rest of our tips to help you shape up your professional experience information.  This guide will walk you through all of the little details that you often overlook when creating your resume, as well as the details that you never knew mattered.

Thoroughly read through each of our four sections, and before you know it, you'll have an oil and gas resume that hiring managers are actually reading.  Then as long as you've taken the time to tailor that oil and gas resume for each individual role and oil and gas company - your phone will finally start ringing with hiring managers asking to schedule interviews with you.

Pro Tip: Start with the section that you think you struggle with the most, then slowly make your way through the other three sections.

The 4 Most Important Factors in Creating your Oil & Gas Resume:

Learn more about getting a professional Oil & Gas Resume

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