Complete Guide to Your Oil & Gas Job Search

The Complete Guide to Oil & Gas Job Search

Everything from Schools to Salaries

Oil & Gas Resume Writing Guide

Everything you need to know about Resume Formats, Keywords and Cover Letters. What should your resume look like, what type of information must you cover, and what makes oil and gas resumes and cover letters different from other industries? We’ve broken down all of the tips you need to ensure your resume excels above the competition. After reading through our guide, you will immediately see where your resume and cover letter needs to be improved.

Oil Gas Resume Writing Guide

Where to find oil-gas jobs

Where to Find Oil & Gas Jobs

A job search is about more than just a good resume and interesting cover letter. In order to find the right job, you have to get your resume in front of the right people. This task is much easier than it used to be, thanks to the invention of the internet. We outline the top online job boards, Facebook groups and LinkedIn groups that you can join to connect with industry professionals who can lead you to your next job. Are you more of a traditional networker? We’ve also listed the top oil and gas professional associations for you to join in order to get your career up and running.

Oil & Gas Resume Samples

For those of you who really have no idea where to start when it comes to your resume, we’ve provided a professional resume template for almost every type of position in oil and gas. Peruse through our samples and find one that relates to the role you are applying for. You can get a feel for the type of format you should be using, what type of information to include, and how to organize all of that information effectively.

Where to find oil-gas jobs

Oil & Gas Resume Writers

You are an expert in the oil and gas field, but that doesn’t mean that you are able to communicate your expertise in writing. That’s why using a professional resume writer to help you articulate your accountabilities and achievements in a concise resume is often a great option for many oil and gas professionals.

Everything About Oil & Gas Jobs - Positions & Salaries

Whether you are looking for your first job in oil and gas, looking to transition into the industry, or curious about what your options are – we’ve outlined what you need to know about careers in oil and gas. We can help you determine if you are qualified for a role within the industry, what types of roles and schedules you can expect, as well as how much you can expect to make.

Where to find oil-gas jobs

Where to find oil-gas jobs

Where Are All the Oil & Gas Jobs

Oil and gas is a worldwide industry with operations located in almost every country. However, the demand for oil and gas professionals is only high where the oil and gas industry is booming with the expansion of rigging and drilling projects. We list the top spots to get jobs across six continents. For those of you who are willing to relocate for work – this will be a great resource to get started.

Entry-Level Oil & Gas Job Search Tips

Are you still in high school or college and thinking about a career in oil and gas? Or maybe you’ve just graduated and are wondering what your next step should be. Well we can ease the confusion and fear that often plagues many entry-level professionals in the oil and gas industry. We talk about what types of programs to take in school, how to get internships and apprenticeships, and how to land your first real job.

Where to find oil-gas jobs
Where to find oil-gas jobs

Who’s Hiring in Oil & Gas

Getting in touch with hiring managers can be the toughest obstacle in your job search. We tell you what hiring managers are looking for and how to team up with the right recruiters to get in front of those hiring managers.